Special series Tourism in rural areas
Posted the 8/19/2021
Posted the 8/19/2021
Issue from 14.09.2021

The special series concludes with two motifs, one showing the castle of Vianden, which represents the large number of historic castles, fortresses and manor houses - some with beautiful gardens and parks - that visitors can find throughout the whole country. It was drawn by the Luxembourg graphic artist Eugène Kalmus. The other motif pays tribute to the commitment of the APTR (Association Luxembourgeoise pour la Promotion du Tourisme Rural), which has been constantly expanding its range of services in the last 30 years and had the honor to host the general assembly of the European association in 2021, which celebrated its 30th anniversary.
Price of the series: €1.85
Drawings and layout: Eugène Kalmus (LU)
Printing: Multicoloured high-resolution offset,
self-adhesive stamps with punch perforation and
cut back side by Gutenberg AG (FL)
Dimensions: 32 x 38 mm,
10 stamps per sheet with decorated borders.


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